Friday, December 04, 2020

Essential Workers.


So the priority of people who are going to get this first round of vaccines are medical personnel and people like my mother in long-term nursing facilities.  The thinking seems to be that the next batch of people to get vaccinated will be those who are considered essential workers.  Those of us that are healthy and sit behind desks with the ability to work virtually look like we're going to be on the tail end of this.  Of course this makes sense.  A good way to envision this is if you have to stand for for your job then you're going to have priority over the majority of us that sit and stare at screens all day.  A standing job means a syringe stab in the arm!    I have no problem with this at all.  

The graph above give's you some idea of where those jobs may lie.  Even in these job classifications you have to think there's going to be some levels of priority.  I'd think a meatpacker will be offered the vaccine before a barista at your local coffee shop.  

The scuttlebutt is saying there will be enough doses for everybody who wants the vaccine to have it by June.  I'd make taking the vaccine mandatory.  That's probably why I'm not in government or politics.  What it should do is help firm things up on an economic basis as the vaccination process commences.  That would be good news on many fronts and is a nice headwind for markets in 2021, assuming the vaccines work as hyped.

Back middle of next week.