Friday, October 30, 2020

Spanish Flu

I found this interesting graph from the fantastic blog of Professor Scott Galloway.  The chart shows that Americans on a daily basis are dying at a faster rate than any other crisis in our nation's history.  I think there's one other crisis that isn't included in this chart and that's from the Spanish Flu, an H1N1 influenza A virus that ravage the world from 1918 to 1920.  According to Wikipedia  the global mortality count has been estimated to have possibly been as high as 100 million although, it seems most statistics peg the count between 17 and 50 million.  Wikipedia also cites estimates of 500-850,000 dead here in the US.   

Using the timeline established by Wikipedia and the US death estimates in the same article would give you a daily total for approximately 792 days of 631-1,073.  That would place the Spanish Flu as either 1st or 2nd on the list above.

Posting will be light next week.

Scott Galloway:  "Life and Death"
Wikipedia:  "Spanish Flu"