Wednesday, October 14, 2020

In Other News

A few things I've come across in the last few days.  The first, from an excellent article on Fox News by Pew Research, contains a chart on financial news outlets.  It turns out that for many people where they get their news mirrors their political leanings.  Here's the chart.  Now go see where you fit.

I tend to read a lot of different things during the day, however, mostly related to economic news.  Most of the news coverage I watch at night is local.  Most of the day I have the TV tuned to CNBC, which while obviously concerned with politics in how it relates to business and the markets, avoids any obvious political bias.  I found it interesting that the major US news outlets and the Wall Street Journal are probably closer to the average US adult than most might imagine.   It's also interesting to me that while Fox News is a powerhouse on the right, the evidence from media sources seems to show that some of the more leftist leaning outlets listed above struggle to make money.

Also if you're trying to figure out what your risk factors for contracting Covid might be going forward  for various indoor activities then there is a basic app for that.  Go download the MyCOVIDRisk app.  It is a very basic outline of various activities and a probabilistic assessment of the risk you take by doing them.  For instance I profiled running outdoors by myself with no mask {low risk} and a three hour indoor home visit with up to six friends in River Forest {high}.  It's not perfect and a lot of it is common sense based on what we know today.  However, it's a start for trying to figure out what might be safe or not as we move more indoors up here in the north.

Back Friday.


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