Monday, December 14, 2020


Posting has been light around here due to Covid related issues and this is nothing more than a quick update.  Neither my bride or myself has come down with Covid, but we have been dealing with family members who currently have the virus.   My concerns have been with them before writing on this blog.  One person, who really gave us a scare I think is on the mend.  The other is so far coping well, or so it seems.  

A back of the envelope calculation gets me to around 100 people that I personally know or know of that either has the virus or knows they've been exposed to it.  That's just a quick count.  My guess is if I wanted to put in the effort I could find more.  I know of two people that have died.  One was in his 80s and the other a few years younger than me.  Both I am told had underlying conditions.  

The death toll we are told is over 300,000 now.  My guess is the number is higher with others to be reclassified later as Covid related.  That number, which will continue to climb in the coming weeks, now exceeds all American dead in every war since World War II.  

People ask me how the market can go up in the face of such grim statistics and that is because the market looks towards the future.  Simply put, investors see the other side of this with the coming of the vaccine and that future looks brighter than what we're dealing with now.  I believe tomorrow will be better as well. 

Like I said this is just a quick update.  I will try to get back later this week.