Friday, August 23, 2019

Three Quick Thoughts

Whatever you read in terms of markets or the economy right now you need to understand three things.  

The first is that with interest rates likely headed lower and with trillions of dollars of debt yielding negative returns around the world we are in uncharted territory right now in terms of how this will pan out.  Anybody who says they know for certain what's going to happen is either lying or lying to themselves about what they know.   These are uncharted waters folks.

Markets will be thinly traded next week as summer winds down.  Pay no attention to their gyrations unless something unexpected crosses the wires.

Finally as markets are seemingly held hostage to our issues with the Chinese remember that nothing is going to get resolved, if it's ever going to get resolved between now and Labor Day.  Again pay no attention to those headlines right now.

Now go enjoy your weekend!