Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Graphic Overview On Investing By Generations

They say that every picture tells a story and I am a person that would rather look at a chart or a graph for data than to mine through a certain amount of pages in a magazine or book to find the same information.  I love the website  Visual Capitalist because of its ability to bring forth somewhat complicated concepts in pictures.  Today I'm sending you over there to take a look at their graphic "How Different Generations of Investors Think".  A lot of their findings in that graphic mirrors what my clients tell me.  For example, investors of my era have virtually no interest in crypto-currencies while Millennials and Gen. X-ers  show double the interest in that sort of thing.  

One area where my findings don't agree has to do with the future.  In general I find Baby Boomers to be more optimistic about the future than younger generations.  That's not what the graph shows.  Also each group holds about the same amount of cash at 30% which seems high to me on average given the economic environment we've been in.  

Anyway go take a look.

Back Friday.