Friday, July 05, 2019

Housing Prices

I saw this data from the Twitter Feed of Charlie Bilello last week.  It shows April's housing price indices for April which I'm assuming is the last month we have data.  Notice in this report that Chicago housing prices rank dead last in nearly every category but 1-year time frames.  Heck, even Detroit and Cleveland have seen better price appreciation over the long run.  This just shows you what happens when you combine an economy not necessarily geared for the modern STEM world, bad fiscal policy at the state and local level, high taxes and no real vision for long term growth.  If you bought a house even 20 years ago in Chicago, by the time you add everything back in, you probably haven't made a dime on your asset.

Mr. Bilello does great work and I think you ought to check him out if you like economic and market related statistics on Twitter.  {Just so you know nobody has suggested I recommend him.  That's on me!}

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