Thursday, November 06, 2008

an tSionna {Chartology/Money Flow Analysis}

an tSionna-or stock "chartology" is our 2nd new category. Here is where we'll discuss all things pertinent to our analysis of equity money flows. Money flow analysis is a topic worth more than one post and is a topic we'll revisit a lot in the future. Why an tSionna? Well it's my blog and I can name things what I want! I'll give you a clue here:
Or another one here: {Note though tech geeks could edit this 2nd clip down. I don't know how to do that. But I can tell that you only need to watch from about the 6th minute on to see the clue.}

To be serious though money flows into different asset classes like water under a bridge. Understanding its various eccentricities is critical in today's investment world.