Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Electorial College Final Tally

Final tally with races in Missouri and North Carolina still tight looks to be close to my best guess scenario.

Obama 364 McCain 174.

Of interest is how it went down in the swing states. With the exception of MO (which could still change hands) Obama won every single contested state. This represented 137 electoral votes. His average margin of victory in each of these was 5.6% (Obama 55.6 McCain 44.4).

Other preliminary data:
Obama won the popular vote 52% to 46%.
Based on preliminary voting numbers and despite all of the publicity surrounding Obama, it looks like some 3-5 million fewer people voted this time around than in 2004. These numbers may change as the final tallys come in. So far though all the interest in this election does not seem to have translated to a significantly higher percentage of citizens voting.
