Monday, July 27, 2020


Personal savings rates jumped in the spring to numbers that have never been seen before!  I don't think we've seen June's numbers yet but I'll bet they're right up there and comparable to what we've seen this spring.  Looks like folks took those stimulus checks and banked them rather than spending the money.    

Several ways to look at this.  First that's an awful lot of dry powder out there to be spent once this pandemic is either vaccinated away or finally burns itself out.  The second is to say if the Government's purpose in handing out all that cash was to grease the skids of the economy then so far it doesn't appear all that successful.

I'll just stick to my assumption that the economy won't really get humming again until you convince enough people with money that it's safe to go out and spend it.

I know my posting has been rather infrequent and I want to warn you that may be the case for the next few weeks.