Friday, December 06, 2019

Post & Comment {12.06.19}

This is a section of posts where I respond in brief comments to something I've seen in the news or online.  I've highlighted the headline note or post.

On the most recent spate of shootings {Pearl Harbor, Pensacola etc.}.
One of the most noticeable trends in the last decade has become the institutionalization of violence.  We as a nation seem to have become numb to the increasing number of mass shootings that are occurring.  There are between 350-400 million guns in the US and obviously not all those weapons are for hunting nor are all of them in the hands of the most stable people.  Until society is willing to adopt stricter gun control laws mass shootings will continue and likely increase.  Most of us will simply fail to pay much attention if or until they impact us.

On the trade talks.  
Still think there will be some sort of deal.  Both sides need a win.  May not occur until the 1st quarter of next year.

On the President being impeached.
Zero chance based on the evidence at hand that the Senate votes to convict.  

The President will win reelection.
Still a 50-50 prospect although the Democrats can improve their odds if they nominate a moderate candidate.  These odds go up in the President's favor if the Dems nominate a far left person.

On the divisiveness of modern society.  
We're not as divided as the press wants you to believe.  I'll have more to say on this at a later date.

On the stock market hitting new highs.
Positive economic news, meets a dovish Federal Reserve meets improving international news meets end of the year pressures.  Still a high probability we trend higher into year end.  {Not to be seen as investment advice!}.  A complete reversal of how we all felt a year ago.  

Given my family situation right now I am only committing to one post a week through the rest of this year.  Expect that early next week.  I will try to get something out more than that if able.