Monday, November 25, 2019

Coming Up For Air

I've alluded to a family matter that has kept me away from this blog for much of the fall.  That is by no means over but for the moment things have stabilized and I can come up for a bit of fresh air.  Markets continue to press toward new highs largely for the reasons I discussed earlier in the month.  Probability suggests that markets should be facing favorable patterns between now and year end.  The main question may end up being how much of next year's gains are we stealing from 2020. There is a lot of money on the sidelines that could likely be forced into the markets in the next 90 days and that could also prove positive for stocks.

I'll switch gears for a moment as I've often been asked about how the impeachment process will play out in the markets.  Unless more compelling testimony is produced that can further cement culpability on the President  then there is virtually no possibility that there are 67 votes in the Senate to vote for impeachment if the process even goes that far.  The reason it may not even be voted on in the House is that there's some evidence of the Democrats  developing cold feet as the public seems to have taken an unfavorable view of the whole matter.  It seems that Washington is discovering that most folks believe that we vote President's we don't like out of office and not have them forcibly removed by Representatives who never got over 2016.  As long as this view prevails it is unlikely that markets will be impacted by the affair. 

There is unlikely to be much the rest of this week regarding stocks that should be newsworthy enough for me to write about.  The week has historically been good for investors and the day after Thanksgiving is up something like 95% of the time.  People tend to focus on more important things this week like family, football and shopping.  Given the season and my past few months I am going to take some time off from blogging this week and recharge the batteries.  I want to thank many of you who have offered my family and myself kind words these past few months and those who have gone out of their way to help us.  In particular I need to thank the people of my home town Union City, Indiana who have stepped up in a way that probably would be unimaginable in a larger place.  One can say whatever they want about small towns and God knows the past 30 years has been unkind to them.  However, there is a resiliency, decency and a willingness to help from folks in rural areas that has survived even to this day.  In that regard I want to thank all the people back home that have really helped all of us out of a jam, particularly in the past two weeks.

Finally I would like to wish each and every one of you a happy Thanksgiving.  Along with the 4th of July it is our most American of holiday traditions and I hope you are able to spend it with loved ones. God bless to you all and we'll catch up with you sometime next week.  Hard to believe we'll be in December by then!

Again Happy Thanksgiving.