Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Free Financial Advice!

Here's a piece of free financial advice!  Investigate and consider refinancing your mortgage if you have one.  If you're considering buying a piece of real estate or are in the process of doing so then consider locking in your mortgage rate if you can do so.  Rates are the lowest they've been in some time.   You can see by looking at this year over year chart of 30-year and 15-year fixed mortgages that rates have come down, and in the case of the 30-year, come down substantially.  Depending on your loan amount and you're original interest rate you could potentially save yourself thousands of dollars  a year and over the life of the loan by refinancing.  This obviously doesn't work for everybody but it's at least worth investigating to see if it makes sense for you given how far rates have declined.

Back Thursday.

Chart from the Twitter feed of Charlie Bilello