Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day


Honor to those who in the life they lead
define and guard a Thermopylae.
Never betraying what is right,
consistent and just in all they do
but showing pity also, and compassion;
generous when they are rich, and when they are poor,
still generous in small ways,
still helping as much as they can;
always speaking the truth,
yet without hating those who lie.

And even more honor is due to them
when they foresee (as many do foresee)
that in the end Ephialtis will make his appearance,
that the Medes will break through after all. 

{C.P. Cavafy, "Collected Poems".  Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard.  Edited by George Savidis.  Revised Edition.  Princeton University Press, 1992.}  Poem can be found here.

About the Battle of Thermopylae see here.  The movie and comic book "300" is loosely based upon the events surrounding this event.  The Medes are an ancient Iranian people that we think of today as Persians.  Ephialtis is the Greek whom tradition states betrayed his people to the Medes by showing them the goat path around Thermopylae allowing them to defeat the Greek armies.

Dedicated to those that stand on the walls and guard the hot gates in service of their country.  We especially remember those that were wounded  and those who gave the last full measure of their devotion while doing so.

God bless.