Thursday, September 20, 2018

Major US Market Indices

Today we're showing the performance charts of some of the major market indices we follow or invest in.  If you owned nothing but these in 2018 then you'd be sitting happy with an average portfolio return of all of these listed above of better than 10%.  That return doesn't include dividends so in reality it would likely be better.  

If you look under the hood on most of these you'd find a large representation in technology and you'd likely also find that an inordinate amount of the return is coming from a narrow list of stocks.  A market with narrow leadership like we've been seeing this  year is worrisome to some but the end result in major indices right now is still returns in the double digits.  I hope to elaborate on what I mean about the narrowness of market breadth and diversification in portfolios a bit more in the future.

The chart above is from, although the annotations are mine.  You can double-click on the chart above to make it larger if you would like.

Back Monday.

Long in client and personal accounts in some manner the indices listed above.  Positions can change at any time without notice on this blog or via any other form of electronic communication.