ETF Returns {International Strategies}
Below are shown various international ETFs we cover in our universe. Once again we are using the performance return capabilities from We have again included at the far left the S&P 500 ETF for comparison. You can double-click on this chart to make it larger. If you invested abroad last year then the place to be for the 2nd year in a row was in emerging markets. Of course these as well as most markets abroad are finally showing signs that perhaps they are finally shaking off years of underperformance to the US financial markets. Statistically these still appear to have relative better valuations and in some cases better fundamental characteristics than the United States right now. As such probability indicates the potential for certain investments overseas to perform better than investments at home. Remember though these markets in general come with higher volatility than what you might see in the US.

*Performance data comes from the performance chart utility developed by While we assume their data is correct, we make no claims and cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of these results.
**Long various indices shown above in both client and personal accounts. Please note these positions can change at any time without notice on this blog or on any other form of communication including written and electronic.
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