Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thoughts {03.10.16}

Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank {ECB}, brings the stimulus bazooka this morning.  Stocks like the latest hit of ju-ju juice.  See here and here.  Basically ECB is paying banks to take money from it and push it into the European economy.

I like this Business Insider article on why home ownership rates are currently so low.  When it comes to Millennials though I wonder if a another reason they have such  a reluctance to buy is what for many of then has to be the negative experience watching their parents struggle with mortgage payments, foreclosures and houses that became worth less than what they paid.  There's a lot of emotional damage that has to have to this generation having grown up in the teeth of the Great Recession and the home ownership experience of their parents has to rank up at the top on the negative side for many of these young adults today.

Go read in the Atlantic "The Obama Doctrine".  It's a pretty candid assessment by the President of what's gone right and wrong with his foreign policy.

Stocks are currently short-term overbought by our work and this morning's pop only adds to that status.  Probability would suggest that stocks at least now mark time before advancing further.  {Note that this is just an observation of money flows.  We aren't trying to predict one way or the other what the markets will do.  You're on your own if you use any information here in your own investment process!}

Possibility that I may post tomorrow but if not will be back in the turret on Monday.