Tuesday, October 14, 2014

an tSionna {10.14.14}

We've recently run these performance charts of multiple asset classes as represented by ETFs.  I thought it was worth a revisit for perspective given how horrible the markets have performed over the past three trading sessions.  Yesterday's drubbing near the close may have been influenced by the holiday trading than any particular news.  Right now {30 minutes after the open} we've erased a pretty good chunk of those losses.  First charts are performance from beginning of July till yesterday.  Charts are from Stockcharts.com.  You can double click on these to make them larger.  I can save you the effort because the only asset classes that have made you money during that time were short term bonds and cash.  Folks, that's not a bull market environment.

This second set shows how we've performed since the end of summer.

*Note that with the exception of the bonds we have exposure in one form or the other to most of what you see in these charts.  Note also that the distribution of these assets isn't uniform across all of our accounts due to different investment strategies and also note these positions can change at any time.