Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Market Returns Q3.2014

Here's some performance charts from that shows how different markets faired in the 3rd quarter of 2014.  You can double click on the charts to make them larger.

Heres the market by sector.  Cyclicals and energy had a rough go of it.  Utilities also took it on the chin as the markets began worrying about rising interest rates.  Once again the summer months lived up to their reputation of being part of the statistically weakest period of the year.

Performance of select ETFs in the two charts below.  Bad news for gold, bonds and most foreign based ETFs.

*Note that with the exception of the bonds we have exposure in one form or the other to most of what you see in these charts.  Note also that the distribution of these assets isn't uniform across all of our accounts due to different investment strategies and also note these positions can change at any time.