Thursday, October 11, 2012

an tSionna {Market Volatility}

Market chart from JP Morgan Funds via "The Big Picture" blog showing market returns and largest draw downs or intra-year declines going back to 1980.  Notice that the draw downs or volatility has increased significantly during this decade.  One of the reasons we study money flows is to try to mitigate this effect by raising cash when stocks become over bought.  Pretty sure that the rise in this volatility has to do with the witch's mix of hyper-programed trading, decimalization of stock prices and today's shoot first ask questions later trading mentality.  Oh and a pretty rotten decade for stocks hasn't helped matters much either.

*Long ETFs related to the S&P 500 in client and personal accounts.

A scheduling note.  I am traveling tomorrow and Monday I will be with clients so there will be no posting until Tuesday of next week unless events warrant an update.