Thursday, February 23, 2012

an tSionna {Gas Prices}

From six years of national gas prices.  There has been a lot of talk about rising gas prices.  Here's the price data which shows national prices below their 2008 highs.  The worry is of course that rising prices will put a crimp on a nascent economic recovery, particularly since the increase is occurring before the beginning of the summer driving season.  That's when refiners have to switch over to a more expensive blend to conform to clean air standards.  I think this will be less of an issue as long as prices stay under $4.50 a gallon.  I do find it interesting that miles driven in the US continues to decline.  I think this has something to do with the economy but I also think driving habits are changing.  There are more Vespas on the road today than I ever remember.  That could also be though that I notice that more now that I own one myself.

By the way since we are having the winter that never was up here in the North, there is a real possibility that I'll have the Vespa out of cold storage around St. Patrick's Day!  Of course I'm saying that on an evening when they are calling for 3-6 inches of snow up here!