Friday, February 17, 2012

President's Day.

President's Day or Weekend is upon us and the market's are closed on Monday.  As such we'll be out until Tuesday ourselves on the blog.  I found this little gem when doing some research on the Walt Disney Company the other day {DIS-no direct positions in the stock}.  I'll leave you with a little stroll down memory lane for those of us over 50. 

Those of you growing up in the 90's probably remember a more modern version of this show.  While the 1990's version had more actors {Justin Timberlake & Ryan Gosling} and actresses {Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears & Keri Russell} that went on to stardom, none of them can compete in my mind with Jimmie, Cubby and Annette!

Sound off Mouseketeers!