Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Power's Gone!!

If you don't live in the Chicago area then you need to know that we had a massive storm here Monday morning that left over 800,000 of us without power. Lumen Capital is one of those 800,000.

The magic of modern technology is such that I can work from almost anywhere and that's what I've been doing. However, the nuts and bolts of a mobile office makes updating the blog a low priority event right now. I also have some traveling scheduled for the end of this week and early next. It is unlikely that you will see anything here until next Wednesday unless we get power back soon. Since the estimate right now is for that to occur sometime around the 14th, I think it is safe to assume that you can catch up with me sometime next week here on the blog.

I'll try to have something new and exciting to bring to the table by then.