Monday, March 29, 2010

an tSionna {Calling an Audible}

Been thinking a bit about what I posted over the weekend.  I'm going to call at least one audible here!  I think it is more likely that we'll see that down day sometime before the end of next week.  Of course it could happen this week or it might happen never!  I think the end of the month/quarter scenario and Good Friday might trump a pretty decent one day decline.

Of course I could be wrong about it all.  Bespoke Investors reminds us today that historically April has been one of the best months of the year for markets and it has been the 2nd best performing month for the market over the past 50 & 20 years!*

We'll just have to see.  Nothing changes however the more defensive nature in terms of the game plan that we've instituted at this point.

*B.I.G. Tips, "April Seasonality", Bespoke Investment Group, LLC, 3.29.2010.