Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Why People Hate This Market.

I talk to a lot of people during the course of a week, clients, friends of our company and strangers. Everybody has an opinion of the markets, most of which is negative. That is probably understandable after last year. I saw this thread over on Realmoney.com {subscription required} today and thought I'd post this excerpt since I think it neatly surmises most people's view about stocks right now.
No One Believes In This Market
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
RealMoney.com Contributor
......The driving force for this action is that people just haven't believed in this market. After the collapse last year and early this year, there has been great hesitancy to embrace the market and believe the worst is over. Aren't we supposed to have a bear-market bounce or two rather than just a V-shaped recovery. especially when we went through the worst period since the 1930s?
Adding to the difficulty of embracing a market that recovers with such apparent ease is that many people simply can't reconcile their feelings about the state of the economy with the market. The market is not just acting like things are "less worse" but like we have a total and complete recovery with hardly a hiccup. That is at odds with the personal experience of many, especially since the unemployment rate is still climbing, the housing markets struggling and signs of recovery slow.
So, we have the large supply of folks who are suspect of the market and are standing on the sidelines watching in disbelief as it run higher and higher, no matter what the news might be and their personal experience.......