Monday, February 16, 2009

Jim Cramer on Retirement Funds.

From Jim Cramer's "Stay Mad For Life" regarding retirement funds:

"Without a big retirment fund, you'll never come close to getting rich. (Actually 'retirement fund' is a misnomer, implying that you pull money out of it from time to time to support yourself. From now on let's call it 'retirment capital,' because you can use it to generate more money even after you retire.)

The same tools and the same rules apply to building retirment money as apply to building any other kind of wealth. Your investments in retirement accounts and your investments in discretionary accounts will both take advantage of the fact that the future is cheap." --My comment. The size of retirement accounts depends on the needs of the individuals owning them. To some $100,000 in today's dollars might be adequate while to others a million might not be enough. Retirment accounts are tiered here at Lumen Capital. That is they are designed to be the last capital used for retirees since they continue to grow tax deferred. Note as well that in December Congress passed the Worker, Retiree and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 which effectively grants retirees a reprieve from making required minimum distributions in 2009.