Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Chart Talk {01.08.18}

This chart is from although the annotations are mine.  Also you can double-click on this chart to make it larger if you want.  What I didn't include on the chart above is any reference to that violet trendline that almost intersects the chart and sloping higher from left to right.  That trendline marches off the 2009 lows.  Note how each time we've come down to that line only to bounce off of it as the market resets itself.  Many investors will gear their attitudes regarding the markets by whether or not this trend can remain in place.

Back Friday.

*Long ETFs related to the S&P 500 in client and personal accounts.  Please note positions can change at any time    We reserve the right to change these investments without notice on this blog or via any other form of verbal, written or electronic communication.