Wednesday, December 05, 2018

On President Bush

The markets are closed today as the nation mourns George HW Bush.  Much has been said about the President as a man and there's no sense in repeating all of that.  However, it is hard not to notice the genuine outpouring of sadness that seems to have enveloped the American people on his passing.  This is perhaps more acute amongst those of us old enough to remember those years.  President Bush was the last President of the World War II generation and also the last President to have seen active duty and combat.*  

The passing of President Bush and ultimately when he passes President Carter will truly mark the passing of that generation and it seems that our politics is much smaller and the worse for it as they leave the stage.  We will be back talking about the markets tomorrow.  Today we'll celebrate the life of this remarkable individual.

God bless sir.

*Jimmy Carter is also a military veteran, having graduated the Naval Academy in 1946 and ultimately was an Executive Officer on a submarine but he didn't as far as I know every see combat and graduated too late from the Academy to serve in World War II.