Thursday, December 14, 2017

Year End Tax Planning

As I said yesterday, we're now getting a better picture of what's going to be in that new tax law that's likely to be signed by the President before the end of the year and will likely be implemented for the 2018 tax year.  Below I've listed some links for you to click that will give you some idea or suggestions of tax moves  you might be able to take advantage of between now and the end of the year.  

The problem of course is there's not going to be a lot of time between the time the bill's signed and the December 31 year end deadline for 2017 tax calculations to go and get some of these things done.  Also some of these suggestions such as tax loss harvesting, that is making sure you take capital losses in this calendar year to offset any realized gains you might have taken earlier in 2017, should be part of your tax planning every year for taxable accounts.  Below is the list.  I'd also suggest talking these over with your tax advisor before making any major changes before the year ends.

I think this list is a good place to start though I'm sure there's others out there you can dig up with a little effort.

Back early next week.