Friday, October 20, 2017

In The Things Are Getting Better Department

If you want an anecdotal point of reference on whether things are getting better in the economy then I'll give you this; the amount of media adds talking about companies looking for employees and signs saying "help wanted" around these parts seems to be on the rise.  Some examples:

Many small stores, restaurants and retailers around me have "Help Wanted" signs in their windows.  Interestingly many of these signs are also translated into Spanish.  Some are also in Polish.  

There is a lot of construction out our way right now, part of an apartment building boom in Oak Park.  Some of these sites also have job employment information posted out in front next to the safety information.

A friend of mine who works out at O'Hare airport sent out an email the other day that the company he works for is hiring.  He specifically mentioned the benefits package in terms of health care that they'd pay after a probationary period of employment.

A major hardware chain in the Chicago area is running radio adds on the sports station I listen to looking for employees in many different parts of their companies.  I've heard other adds recently for businesses looking for sales people.

Now I might dismiss one or two of these things, especially if I'd seen or heard them over the course of time and I'm also willing to say that perhaps I'm late noticing a trend that's already been in place for awhile.  However, it's struck me how all of these things seem to have hit at once.  Chicago is likely a lagging indicator against employment for the rest of the country but based on this anecdotal read, things here are still getting better.

Back early next week.