Friday, June 26, 2015

Changes in How We're Going to Receive Electricity

Everybody should read the post from a few days ago over at Bloomberg titled "The Way Humans Get Electricity is About to Change Forever".  Besides discussing the trillions that will be invested in energy related projects in the coming years, the article lays out these key points.

1.  Solar prices keep crashing.  The price of solar power will continue to fall, until it becomes the cheapest form of power in a rapidly expanding number of national markets.

2.  Billions invested in solar are going to become trillions.  The article suggests 3$3.7 trillion between now and 2040.

3.  The revolution will be decentralized with the much of it taking place on rooftops as solar becomes more economical.

4.  Global demand for energy will slow, not from lack of usage but due to the huge advances in energy efficiency.

5.  Natural gas will not become the bridge fuel that transitions the world from coal to renewables.

6.  The climate is still screwed.  The shift to renewable will not be rapid enough to prevent perilous levels of global warming.

My comment:  I think Bloomberg is right on about points 1-4.  Not sure about the fate of natural gas and I think predicting global climate change 25 years from now is tenuous.

Back Tuesday.  Posting next week will be shortened due to the holiday.

Link:  "The Way Humans Get Electricity is About to Change Forever."