Saturday, February 01, 2014

Things Are Getting Better {Employment}

Today we'll finish up or series on the economy by looking at employment.  This is perhaps the most controversial argument to make because so many millions of folks are either unemployed, underemployed or have given up looking for work.  Also real wages in the US have now been stagnant for many years.  But from a pure numbers basis, we have been putting people back to work.  Just not quick enough or in jobs that in the most part are well paying.  That's a longer term debate we all need to have and is beyond the scope of what we do here.  Remember that every person working is relying less on government assistance.

Initial jobless claims have trended back to historical levels.

Total employment near all time highs.

This concludes our look at the data.  We may revisit this again at some point in the future.  I've picked out data points that are important to what I look at in regards to the markets.  In response to those who will accuse me of cherry picking numbers or seeing what I want to see, I'll say show me your facts and we'll talk.  Like I said earlier.  I know none of this is perfect and I'm aware of the issues of jobs and inequality.  However, my responsibility to my clients is to look at data that I believe gives me an insight on how to invest their money.  These statistics have served me well over the years so I'll continue with them till they don't work.  I will be out tomorrow but will pick up again here Wednesday.

*Data comes from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.  You can double click on the charts if you want to make them larger.