Thursday, November 07, 2013


Peggy Noonan-Wall Street Journal-Obama's Catastrophic Victory.
"We have a huge piece of U.S. economic and social change that debuted a month ago as a program. The program dealt with something personal, even intimate: your health, the care of your body, the medicines you choose to take or procedures you get. It was hugely controversial from day one. It took all the political oxygen from the room. It failed to garner even one vote from the opposition when it was passed. It gave rise to a significant opposition movement, the town hall uprisings, which later produced the tea party. It caused unrest. In fact, it seemed not to answer a problem but cause it. I calledObamaCare, at the time of its passage, a catastrophic victory—one won at too great cost, with too much political bloodshed, and at the end what would you get? Barren terrain. A thing not worth fighting for."

In the "Things are Getting Better" department, per  "Economy in US Expands at a 2.8% Rate".

ECB Cuts Interest Rates.  {}

The Workforce is Even More Divided By Race Than You Think.  {The}