Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Doug Kass:  The Fiscal Cliff, Don't Believe the Hype.  {The Street.com}

Josh Brown:  A Very Bad Bet:  How Wall Street Deluded Itself.  {The Reformed Broker}

Steve Ballmer's Nightmare is Coming True:  {Business Insider}.  Many of you have heard me say in the past that I think long term Microsoft is where Eastman Kodak {EK} was in about 1988, a company living off past success whose very foundation was rotting away.  EK last for about twenty more years and for awhile was able to mask its problems, but ultimately they proved to much for it to handle.  That I'm afraid is Microsoft's long term fate.

Manufacturing ISM Plummits to Lowest Print Since July, 2009.  {Zero Hedge}

The Strategies Necessary For Innovation.  {National Chamber Foundation}

{Again I can never figure out why I can't highlight all the links in blue!}

December is Usually Pretty Good for Stocks {The Big Picture}