Monday, August 27, 2012

End of Summer {Where We Stand}

This week marks the traditional last week of summer.  I say traditional because summer seems to be getting shorter every year.  School here starts now in mid-August and school for my sister's kids in Indianapolis started around August 15th.  But for Wall Street, summer is officially over next week after the Labor Day holiday.  That's when the summer homes get boarded up until next year and the A teams return to the trading desk.  

They are returning to a rather full plate.  We are going to explore this and the issues surrounding the markets as we head into 2012's homestretch.  Today we will put up a chart of the S&P 500.  We'll follow this over the next couple of days with some thoughts on the markets and a few other charts that hopefully illustrate where we think we are right now.  As you will see we believe the markets are at a rather interesting junction and the next few weeks should set us up for how we will likely trade into the year's end.

*Long ETFs related to the S&P 500 in client and personal accounts.