Monday, June 18, 2012

an tSionna {06.18.12}'

So Greece votes to stay in the EU and the markets here basically start the week doing nothing.  No we go to the next big event.  May be the G20 meetings in Mexico this week but probably will be a renewed focus on US corporate earnings which will start coming in right after the 4th of July.....

4th of July....Hmmm.  That's just about the time it wouldn't surprise me to see the markets top out from this most recent rally.  We're oversold in the short term and shorter intermediate term {more on that at a future point}.  Our intermediate and longer term indicators are still oversold so that gives us some room to move higher in the next few weeks.

*Long ETFs related to the S&P 500 in client and personal accounts.

On a separate note, I'm still going through the integration stages of the new office setup so bear with the posting this week.