Thursday, April 12, 2012

For Your Consideration {04.12.12}

From A Dash of Insight:  Being a trader vs. being an investor.  Chief quote:  "Understanding your objectives and time frame is essential to market success. We often have completely different postures for our investment and trading programs. If you do not distinguish between trading and investing, it is easy to get caught in a Twilight Zone where you are always doing the wrong thing!"

Maybe this recovery isn't as bad as many suggests.  See

From  The coming US manufacturing boom.  Chief take away quote: "Investors who have favored emerging markets like China in recent years should pay attention to another growing manufacturing center. It boasts plenty of skilled workers; cheap and abundant energy; stable institutions; and a large middle class that likes to shop.  It is the U.S., where a long industrial decline might be in reverse."

How strong the winds inside a tornado must be in order to hurl a semi-trailer.  Worth a click here over at  just to watch the video of the recent tornadoes near Dallas throwing objects around like some spoiled child!