Thursday, February 02, 2012

Groundhog's Day

If I ever quit my day job {some of you might think I ought to do that sooner than later} I'm going to write a book on different historical threads.  In that regard we'll for a second take a respite from our day jobs of keeping our pulse on the market and make a brief comment on Groundhog's day, the annual fest where a groundhog is fetched from its hole to see whether it will see its shadow or not.  This supposidly determines whether we'll have 6 more weeks of winter.  Groundhog's day also just happens to fall upon the same day as....

.....Candlemas, a day that the Christian Church has traditionally celebrated the  Presentation of Jesus at the Temple ....

....Candlemas was grafted on the ancient Celtic custom of Imbolg {or Imbolc}.  A celebration of the beginning of spring, althought warm weather is usually months away in Chicago!

For the record Punxsutawney Phil , who seems to be the official groundhog for all things Groundhog's Day saw his shadow this morning so we're going to have six more weeks of winter! 

Codladh samh!
{Sleep well Phil!}