Tuesday, February 01, 2011

May Be A Bit Busy

We may be a bit out of the loop the next couple of days.

BLIZZARD WARNING FROM 3 PM TUESDAY TO 4 PM WEDNESDAY. Light snow flurries from a wintry overcast much of the day. NE winds strengthen 14 to 28 mph. Gusts topping 30 mph before evening. Steady storm snowfall spreads in from the south mid and late afternoon. Full-blown blizzard this evening and tonight. Serious blowing/drifting as gusts build to 40-50 mph. Bursts of thunder-snow and periods with less than a quarter mile visibility. Blizzard or near blizzard conditions persist into Wednesday morning. Totals: 14-22 inches by Wednesday afternoon. 

Some of the weather scenarios say we could get as much as 3 feet of snow in the next 24 hours!  We'll see.