Saturday, August 29, 2009

Q&A: The Great Debate.

I have been asked why are we going to spend time on both sides of the investment argument when my clients are mostly concerned about what I think and what I'm going to do regarding their accounts.
Answer: I believe that I can be of greatest service to my clients {for they are the sole reason I post on line} when I present to them a logical investment plan based on reasoning that takes into account many variables. One of these variables is to listen to all sides of the investment argument and then synthesize which parts of each side makes the most sense to me. We all come to this business with different viewpoints and different ways of looking at different things.
I believe that one is always learning in this business. Good investors have the ability to make decisions, formulate strategy and come up with investment ideas based on well-reasoned conclusions. They also have the flexibility to modify those conclusions based on changing conditions.
I want to hear all sides of the debate and I want you all to know what those arguments are. I particularly think this is important given how far we've climbed this year. I'm going to give my take on the markets and what I plan to do going forward after I've presented all sides of the argument.