Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Section: Q & A

I'm beginning a new section here at Solas! and I'm going to call it Q & A. {Questions & Answers}. Some of these will be short answers to more frequently asked questions. Others might be longer particularly if there is a point I'm trying to stress. Here goes round one.
Question: Who do you write for at Solas! ?
Answer: I write for only one audience and that is the clients, friends and prospects of Lumen Capital Management, LLC. It is a way for me to communicate in a more rapid manner my thoughts and a way for me to broadly outline what I'm thinking and/or doing for them at any given point of time. In that sense this blog is their blog. Everybody else is along for the ride. My original thoughts or ideas are usually brought forth in section pieces such as with our "an tSionna" series for money flow analysis or in our "Game Plan" articles. Since I don't pretend to have a lock on every original idea out there, I also often copy articles that I find on the web that I think might be of interest to my audience. You will know these pieces because they are usually excerpted and linked to their original source. Occasionally I will throw a commentary at the end of these articles. Finally I try to find some light hearted material every once and awhile and put it out there as well. Rarely I'll include something about me, but not all that often. I'm just not that interesting! :-)


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